Complimentary GSX Ticket Available

Complimentary GSX Ticket Available

Our Chapter has one complimentary ticket available to the 2021 ASIS International GSX Event on 27-29 September 2021. Read more to learn how to be considered for that ticket. Be quick as it closes by COB Friday 23rd July .

Every year, our Chapter has one complimentary ticket available to the annual ASIS International GSX Event.  Due to COVID and travel restrictions, the event this year is happening on the 27-29 September 2021 and available for online attendance. 

Learn about the GSX and speakers using this link and going to the Global Security Exchange (GXS) Website.

To be eligible for this ticket you must be a current, paid member of the ASIS Victoria Chapter in good standing.  If you have already registered and paid for a GSX 2021 ticket you can still apply, and the paid amount will be refunded if you are successful.

If you would like to be considered for this complimentary ticket please email with responses to the following:

  1. Why you should be selected as the recipient for 2021?
  2. Which of the presentations and topics interests you the most?
  3. Are you willing to do a short presentation at an ASIS member breakfast event in Melbourne (or provide a summary report for electronic communication to members) to summarise your GSX experience for others to share in? 

We require your response no later than COB Friday 23rd July for consideration and the recipient will be announced the following week (Friday 30th July) with our selection to be lodged with ASIS HQ immediately afterward.

ASIS International - Australia