ASIS NSW Chapter Kick Off Event Feb 2021
Kick off 2021 with style and join us at the iconic Doltone House – The Loft at Pyrmont to spend a great evening out networking with your fellow peers and soak in the beautiful scenery with Harbour bridge and city views.
We are excited to present SPECIAL GUEST SPEAKER
Nick Kaldas A.P.M., D. Litt (honoris causa)
Nick Kaldas served for 35 years in the NSW Police Force, retiring after serving the last ten years as Deputy Commissioner, commanding up to 14 thousand staff. His career has mainly been in major and organised crime, and counter terrorism investigations. He completed a number of overseas assignments during his career, including in 2004 serving as Deputy Chief Police Adviser with Coalition forces in Iraq, helping rebuild the Iraqi Police. In 2009/10 he served as Chief of Investigations of the Special Tribunal for Lebanon, leading the investigation into the assassination of the Lebanese Prime Minister Hariri and 21 other murders. In 2016 he led the United Nations/OPCW Joint Investigative Mechanism, which investigated the use of chemical weapons in Syria. In 2016-2018 he was Director of Internal Oversight for the United Nations Relief and Works Agency, oversighting humanitarian aid for Palestine refugees in Syria, Lebanon, Jordan, Gaza and the West Bank. He is Managing Director of a consultancy firm, Kaldas and associates, and holds a Masters Degree in Public Policy and Administration, and an Honorary Doctorate of Letters. He serves on a number of boards, including Multicultural NSW Advisory Board.
Limited spots available – make sure to register (free for ASIS members) or purchase your ticket for $55 here.
Drinks and canapés with be served throughout the evening. Please note that you will be expected to remain seated due to COVID restrictions.
Additional Details
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